Hey guys, today i´m gonna write about jobs, that thing that we all do to bring bread to our homes.
What job i would like to have? i would like to work as a researcher in the chemistry area to discover and develop new materials, like the scinetists that discovered graphene and aerogel, but not all in my life is chemistry and labs, i would also love to work as a chef, i really enjoy cooking and preparing and creating my own dishes, yeah i love to make sushi <3.

i don really mind if its inside or outside, as long as the environment is fresh, cool, and not smelly, like a laboratory, its always climatized at the same room temperature so its pretty cozy to be there. the only bad thing would be that i would need to be pretty cautious, because there are many dangerous chemicals, like corrosive acids.
of course, i would love to travel around the world in my job, but not too often, thinking of a job in the future means that i would probably have a family, and i dont want to leave them alone, so i think travelling for a couple of days every 2-3 months would be ok, that way staying on the move, but without leaving anyone back.
the salary? we all dream in earning tons of cash the first day of work, me too, but that s not the reality, and i think the salary is the least important thing, i want to be happy with my job, having a reason to get up in the morning, not like now, that the last thing i want to do is going to the university, its boring, really stressful and is far away from my house, so it kinda dismotivate me, and i want a job that doesn´t make me feel that way

but think about living in a cabin in the woods, and taking what you need from the nature, or a cabin by the lake, and going to fish in a boat, wont that be beautiful? of course it would be a ton better to do that in finland, they have better landscapes, and bigger forests <3