Thursday 22 December 2016

English at university

Well. hi. i think this will be my last entry to the blog so im sad and happy at the same time, because it was funny to write in this blog, english was the only subject which i can enter the classroom and know anything, not like calculus or electromagnetism, where i enter and i dont know a thing. 
About my experience learning english in the university i can say that it helped me in the way of polishing my skills, ´cause i already know how to talk more or less and i can be on my own, but in this classes i learned how to pronounce better some words, the rhythm and so on, which contributes to a better speaking in general.

the use of blogs for me was kinda Wow!!! really? i couldnt believe it, it was so different to everything else i ever seen , i never expected to do a blog to learn english, it was entertaining, original, and refreshing, i think it was more comfortable to arrive a class to write about a certain topic rather than arriving a class and do a ton of math and understand chemical reactions.

Well, i have a nice english and i can talk to people that speak english fairly fluidly and we can understand each other, but i need to talk more, because most of the time that i use english is for talking to people in videogames, or for reading articles, jokes, and internet memes !!. but i need to practice my speed and polish even more my pronunciaton and for that i need to talk to people that speak english, so i can get a feedback on my speaking, and also listening to other people i can hear new words and understand their slang, that way getting an even richer language !!

outside of english classes i use english here and there in little ocassions, for example, i play online videogames, and most of the players speak english, so to coordinate and play well with them i can talk in english and we understand each other, also i can use the english to read memes that are in english or read pages from other countries, like reddit, 9gag, etc... so i have more places where to laugh, its kinda another world of fun, because i have friends that dont speak english and they cant understand some images that are really funny.
Other thing that is really common is for...yes !! for music, i can understand more or less well the lyrics of most songs that are in english, and when i read them i can quickly translate the lyrics to spanish and understand the real meaning of the song. The last but not less important, is to help my family in certain aspects, for example, when my mom buys something and the instructions are in english i have to translate it and say her what does it say in spanish.

I forgot to mention that i also teach english to kids in my ex-school, to the classmates of my sisters, they are in primary school, and they have a horrible base, so i teach them the basics things, time sentences, like present simple and that stuff, so i earn some money whenever i can and also i help them to get better marks, so everyone wins !!.

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