When people say drugs most of the people think about heroine, meth, and coke (the sniffing one), but there are more dangerous and common drugs like the ones im about to talk.

I´ve tried marihuana because in my class, almost everyone smoked weed, so it was really easy to access it. It wasn´t the great thing, i didn´t felt "high", i only had a sore throat, dry mouth and horrible smell in my mouth. I had a good experience that i remember, back in 3rd grade Middle School, i was a marihuana dealer, and i couldn´t sell all my product, so i kept a fair amount and invited my cousin an brother to play PS3 and smoke some weed, and the strain was so good that we couldn´t play well, our movements were impaired, we were laughing at everything to the point i started to cry, and then we ate doritos. Its kinda simple, but it was funny.
The most observable effects of coffee are the suppression of adenosine receptors in the brain, so you aren´t "tired", it gives you the sensation that you are active, but your body needs to rest and the coffee fakes that you are energized.
i cant understand the effects of cigarrettes, doing some research, i found that they are stimulants of nervous system, but people smoke them to relax !!. personally i didn´t felt any effect.
Marihuana its kinda controversial, the effects depends on the strain, but the most notorious ones are red eyes and slow actions, like speech and movements.
Drugs are an important part of humanity, but they aren´t used the correct way, for example, heroine is pretty similar to morphine, but people use it when they dont have to, and get addicted when it can be used as anesthesia and perform a surgery, similar to cocaine, the coke leaves have numerous bennefits, one of them is that is a real energizer, but people use it to make coke dust and sniff it. also meds are drugs, like paracetamol and kitadol, which are pain relievers of every day use.
The heaviest damage of drug addiction is the damage to the family, because people lose their jobs, lose their houses selling everything they have to buy drugs and that stuff, other dangers could be crime increase as people doesnt´t work, they steal other people things. other dangers can be the body damage, their appearance start to decay, then comes the health problems, heart attacks, seizures, and dependancy, which in my oppinion is the most dangerous.
withdrawal sympotms deppends on the drugs used, but common ones could be the hands shaking and anxiety attacks, which manifests from alcoholics to heroine addicts, but as i said, every case is different, there are people that delirate or hallucinate, there are others that get violent reactions, but in the case of marihuana its more like psychological dependance,
i knew someone addicted to codeine, he always was involved in the world of drugs, so it wasn´t so rare but he started to lie, steal things, ask for money to buy more drugs and that kind of stuff, he went to a rehabilitation center and got better, but with time he was back to the same as before.

I want doritos after seeing the second image