Thursday 22 December 2016

English at university

Well. hi. i think this will be my last entry to the blog so im sad and happy at the same time, because it was funny to write in this blog, english was the only subject which i can enter the classroom and know anything, not like calculus or electromagnetism, where i enter and i dont know a thing. 
About my experience learning english in the university i can say that it helped me in the way of polishing my skills, ´cause i already know how to talk more or less and i can be on my own, but in this classes i learned how to pronounce better some words, the rhythm and so on, which contributes to a better speaking in general.

the use of blogs for me was kinda Wow!!! really? i couldnt believe it, it was so different to everything else i ever seen , i never expected to do a blog to learn english, it was entertaining, original, and refreshing, i think it was more comfortable to arrive a class to write about a certain topic rather than arriving a class and do a ton of math and understand chemical reactions.

Well, i have a nice english and i can talk to people that speak english fairly fluidly and we can understand each other, but i need to talk more, because most of the time that i use english is for talking to people in videogames, or for reading articles, jokes, and internet memes !!. but i need to practice my speed and polish even more my pronunciaton and for that i need to talk to people that speak english, so i can get a feedback on my speaking, and also listening to other people i can hear new words and understand their slang, that way getting an even richer language !!

outside of english classes i use english here and there in little ocassions, for example, i play online videogames, and most of the players speak english, so to coordinate and play well with them i can talk in english and we understand each other, also i can use the english to read memes that are in english or read pages from other countries, like reddit, 9gag, etc... so i have more places where to laugh, its kinda another world of fun, because i have friends that dont speak english and they cant understand some images that are really funny.
Other thing that is really common is for...yes !! for music, i can understand more or less well the lyrics of most songs that are in english, and when i read them i can quickly translate the lyrics to spanish and understand the real meaning of the song. The last but not less important, is to help my family in certain aspects, for example, when my mom buys something and the instructions are in english i have to translate it and say her what does it say in spanish.

I forgot to mention that i also teach english to kids in my ex-school, to the classmates of my sisters, they are in primary school, and they have a horrible base, so i teach them the basics things, time sentences, like present simple and that stuff, so i earn some money whenever i can and also i help them to get better marks, so everyone wins !!.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Study programme

Hey guys, this blog is kinda special because i can say what i think about the career !! and first of all i have to explain my curriculum, that means what i have to study, which is a lot but most of it is useful, but i have to complain about the lenght of the career >__< 

the workload is heavy as a tanker truck, at least for me, because i have tuesday, wednesday and thursday with calculus, so i dont have time to digest the contents and i feel overwhelmed with so much math !!
The lenght of the studies are humongous, the normal career is supposed to finish in 5.5 years, but as i reproved a subject it extends to six and a half year !! can you believe that ? i will be stuck here till i am 25 years old (if i dont fail another subject) while in england people with my age study for 3 years and have the same degree as i would have when i finish mine, so in that regard, Chile needs to advance and make careers shorter, by that way, people start to work earlier, and can go to investigation even earlier !!  

The facilities in the university are ok-ish, they aren´t bad, but neither perfect, we need a place to have lunch inside the faculty, so that way we won´t depend on the odontology casino.
We have ricofee but they do not accept JUNAEB card, so not all of the students can afford to their lunch, which isn´t the best in my opinion.

In the other hand we have a pretty nice library, it has all the books that we need in excellent conditions, and the computers room are nice, personally i have some difficulties using them because i am used to use iMac´s, the only drawback of the computers room is that there are few computers, so most of the time when i need to print my works the room is full and half of the computers can´t print so its really though to do it.

the technology in the university is really good, the classrooms have air conditioners, the computers are good but not top tier, but the laboratories are amazing, they have latest technology in them and also old instruments, so we can learn how people in the past used to do their work without technology, so in some words we have the best of both worlds, we have the best technology and the oldest one, like voltimeters, and the oldest galvanometers encased in a wooden frame, they look really vintage 

i cannot say much about teaching methods because this is my first university, so i dont know how they teach in other ones, but i think its nice, most of the teachers are friendly, but one think that i hate are the powerpoints, beacuse the exams and tests never include topics shown in them !!  

Wednesday 30 November 2016

It´s Summer time !!

Hi everyone, this day i have to write about my holidays, i mean, where am i going this summer, and i have got bad news for you, because i have to spend half january in the university !!, could it be worse than that? of course !!,  imagine to wake up at 7:30 AM on summer, more than 30°C in the afternoon, and obviously an hour of trip by metro, surrounded by sweaty people :c, and the worst part of all, the government wont reload the Junaeb Card...

Its not clear where am i going to go this summer, but i heard my family that they want to go to Rapel lake, rent a house and stay calm for about two weeks, because we went there before and we had really nice experiences, for me, i would never stop going to the south of Chile because i love the weather, is like an oasis in mid of a desert, because Santiago air is really dry and hot, and in the south is more cold-ish, is really beautiful, except Los angeles and Temuco, they are horrible places for me because the temperatures go high as 40 degrees Celsius !!! 

We usually go two families, my sisters, parents, cousins, uncles and aunts, and a friends family, for a total of 13 people more or less, and i hope to go with my wife (its my girlfriend, but i like to call her my wife, dont know why), because we never went out in a holiday together.
Also i hope that my brother go, its kinda strange, but i do not live with him, and when we were young we saw only on summers, so i really hope that he can go because i really enjoy passing time with him, he is really funny and charismatic, so
you never get bored.

For the activities that i may be part of i think i would be playing a lot of ping-pong, my family loves it and they are good at it, but so i am !!, a few summers back we had a boat, and it was really nice to navigate the lake in it, it was small, but it did the job. For the record, that summer we brought the boat but we didn´t brought the rowings so we had to navigate using our bare hands, it was ridiculous and funny.
Also i hope to go to the swimming pool inside the house, because the water of the lake is greenish and is really creepy, because the pillars of our pier is full of goo and stuff, so the swimming pool is much more neat and clean. 
Another activity that i want to be part of could be starting and preparing the grill, because the kitchen and stoves are very small, we tend to grill most of our food, and i love to cook !!, last summer we ate 6 of the 10 days we stayed, grilled meat and chicken. Thats all for today friends. byee

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Smoke weed everyday

Hello everybody, in this opportunity i´ll write about drugs, mainly, cigarrettes and coffee.
When people say drugs most of the people think about heroine, meth, and coke (the sniffing one), but there are more dangerous and common drugs like the ones im about to talk.
Why im familiar with them ? because i hate coffee, i dont like the "energy" that it gives, i used to drink it but it makes me feel like half dead, half awake, much like a zombie, so i prefer to drink a warm tea or soft drinks with my foods. My mother smokes a lot of cigarrettes and i dont like the smell of it because its all over the house !!. Other thing to mention is that i dont like the smell of people that drank coffee recently or people that smoked a short time, its disgusting for me.

I´ve tried marihuana because in my class, almost everyone smoked weed, so it was really easy to access it. It wasn´t the great thing, i didn´t felt "high", i only had a sore throat, dry mouth and horrible smell in my mouth. I had a good experience that i remember, back in 3rd grade Middle School, i was a marihuana dealer, and i couldn´t sell all my product, so i kept a fair amount and invited my cousin an brother to play PS3 and smoke some weed, and the strain was so good that we couldn´t play well, our movements were impaired, we were laughing at everything to the point i started to cry, and then we ate doritos. Its kinda simple, but it was funny.

The most observable effects of coffee are the suppression of adenosine receptors in the brain, so you aren´t "tired", it gives you the sensation that you are active, but your body needs to rest and the coffee fakes that you are energized.
i cant understand the effects of cigarrettes, doing some research, i found that they are stimulants of nervous system, but people smoke them to relax !!. personally i didn´t felt any effect.

Marihuana its kinda controversial, the effects depends on the strain, but the most notorious ones are red eyes and slow actions, like speech and movements. 

Drugs are an important part of humanity, but they aren´t used the correct way, for example, heroine is pretty similar to morphine, but people use it when they dont have to, and get addicted when it can be used as anesthesia and perform a surgery, similar to cocaine, the coke leaves have numerous bennefits, one of them is that is a real energizer, but people use it to make coke dust and sniff it. also meds are drugs, like paracetamol and kitadol, which are pain relievers of every day use.

The heaviest damage of drug addiction is the damage to the family, because people lose their jobs, lose their houses selling everything they have to buy drugs and that stuff, other dangers could be crime increase as people doesnt´t work, they steal other people things. other dangers can be the body damage, their appearance start to decay, then comes the health problems, heart attacks, seizures, and dependancy, which in my oppinion is the most dangerous. 

withdrawal sympotms deppends on the drugs used, but common ones could be the hands shaking and anxiety attacks, which manifests from alcoholics to heroine addicts, but as i said, every case is different, there are people that delirate or hallucinate, there are others that get violent reactions, but in the case of marihuana its more like psychological dependance, 

i knew someone addicted to codeine, he always was involved in the world of drugs, so it wasn´t so rare but he started to lie, steal things, ask for money to buy more drugs and that kind of stuff, he went to a rehabilitation center and got better, but with time he was back to the same as before.  

the most notorius drug in my career would be alcohol and tobacco, but it doesn´t have a big impact on the students, because they aren´t alcoholic they just drink on parties and smoke on recesses. outside my career the problem is when people start to drink alcohol as an habit rather than just in parties because they spend a lot of money, and also there are people that when they drink they turn violent and can hurt somebody. 

Wednesday 9 November 2016

study to live, live to study

Well, now im a student of undergraduate school, and i have to write about what course i want to take in the post graduate school ! its kinda funny because i dont know if i will pass all the courses in the time that i have in mind, but i entered to this university because i love materials. Materials awakened my interest for chemistry because chemistry studies of what matter is composed, and i wanted to know more about it, and the way of making new ones, that would be the reason to do a Master in chemistry specializing in materials, ah and of course for the money, its kinda obvious but a person with a master easily earns more money than those with just a title, it sounds pretty greedy but its the truth, if you dont have money, you cant live, and pretty much cant do anything.  

Like i mentioned before i would love to study Material´s Chemistry, i think it´s possibilities are unlimited, i mean, in the world that we live, materials are everything, they are always changing, innovating, and making new ones, like carbon fiber and glass fiber a few years ago and graphene or aerogels nowadays.

 Before i wanted to enter to study chemistry i wanted to study Biochemistry because i thought i could learn material´s chemistry in conjuction with anatomy and biology and replace and enhance human bodies with materials, like a carbon fiber bones or graphene skin tissue.    

I want to study abroad, going out of Chile, it doesnt matter very much where but i heard that most people go to Germany to finish their studies in chemistry and that would be ok with me, just think about it, chemistry, beer, meat and industrial metal !!, it should be awesome to go there, study in germany, and then travel to finland and stay there for the rest of my life,  

i had never studied by distance but i think that can be a possibility, or a blended system, with fewer classes in the university and some online, because i dont like to travel from my house to the university, it is exhausting to spend one and half hour just in metro everyday, because its not comfortable to travel with sweaty people, hot atmosphere, unbreathable air and grumpy grannys that hit you with their bags for everything.

Well, im running out of time, so by the way, you could be saying why not to study a PhD or multiple masters? because i dont want to be stuck like 10 years studying, i want to live my life, travel while im young and enjoy my life, .  

Wednesday 26 October 2016

He say me have to Work Work Work Work (8)

Hey guys, today i´m gonna write about jobs, that thing that we all do to bring bread to our homes.
What job i would like to have? i would like to work as a researcher in the chemistry area to discover and develop new materials, like the scinetists that discovered graphene and aerogel, but not all in my life is chemistry and labs, i would also love to work as a chef, i really enjoy cooking and preparing and creating my own dishes, yeah i love to make sushi <3.

i don really mind if its inside or outside, as long as the environment is fresh, cool, and not smelly, like a laboratory, its always climatized at the same room temperature so its pretty cozy to be there. the only bad thing would be that i would need to be pretty cautious, because there are many dangerous chemicals, like corrosive acids.

of course, i would love to travel around the world in my job, but not too often, thinking of a job in the future means that i would probably have a family, and i dont want to leave them alone, so i think travelling for a couple of days every 2-3 months would be ok, that way staying on the move, but without leaving anyone back.

the salary? we all dream in earning tons of cash the first day of work, me too, but that s not the reality, and i think the salary is the least important thing, i want to be happy with my job, having a reason to get up in the morning, not like now, that the last thing i want to do is going to the university, its boring, really stressful and is far away from my house, so it kinda dismotivate me, and i want a job that doesn´t make me feel that way

actually i dont know a lot about major´s in my university but i would like to specialize in pedagogy or forense chemistry, i heard that in forense chemistry they teach you how to sintetize stuff and it could be really interesting. in the other hand i would like to become a teacher, because in my school the chemistry classes were awful, and all people say that is hard to learn and study chemistry, and they are correct ! it is kinda hard, but i want to show them that is beautiful and not so terrible as they think, showing them a more attractive and easy chemistry.

if everything else fails, i mean, i get bored of studying, i would like to become a hunter or a fisherman, yeah its kinda weird

but think about living in a cabin in the woods, and taking what you need from the nature, or a cabin by the lake, and going to fish in a boat, wont that be beautiful? of course it would be a ton better to do that in finland, they have better landscapes, and bigger forests <3 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Bests songs ever

Hi again, in this oportunity i have the chance to talk about music and things related to it, to start why not to mention my favorite kind of music? its kinda hard to choose a single style between millions existing, but if i have to choose a few they will be Thrash Metal and Classic rock, thats it because i play the guitar and the firsts songs that i learned to play were of these genres. Also in my family, my dad is a guitarist and was the band leader of many bands, and actual lead guitar of Skyrla. in the other side my uncle is the bass player of Total Mosh so, it was normal to me as a youngster to listen to metal.

I love to play the guitar <3 i learned to play by reading "tabs" and repeating chords when i was 12 years old. in the school i had an awful musical education from the beggining up to 1st grade of middle school, but then a new teacher came with a ton of instruments, like guitars and drums, so i had the opportunity as a musician to experiment new horizons. i played the guitar mainly beacause i knew how to do it, but i wanted to learn more, so i took a bass guitar and played a pair of songs, and then my biggest challenge was to play the drums, my rythm is horrible but i managed to play medium difficulty songs, like "Tren al sur- Los prisioneros". I always wanted to play violin but my wallet says no :c.

So now, the bands that stole my heart i love Megadeth, Linkin Park, Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, SOAD, Children Of Bodom, Sonata Artica, RATM, Alice in Chains, Ozzy Osbourne, and many others but i dont want you to read for eternity. Every single band/singer mentioned before have something unique that influented me, Metallica was the first band that i listened and played a song in guitar, Megadeth helped me to improve a ton in guitar because they play faster. Sonata and Children have the melodic touch to metal, like synths and orchestra instruments that leave a weird twist to the classic songs. 

i didn´t changed my musical tastes, i only amplified and extended them, but to mention something that i dont like, it can be reggaeton and pachanga, i just cant stand it. when i was a kid i grew up when the "reggaeton boom" was in chile, i mean, when it started to be popular, and i remember a pair of songs that weren´t so ugly, like "Llamado de emergencia-Daddy Yankee, or Ven bailalo-Angel y Khriz" i bet your feet move by themselves when you listen to them.  

I think a very nice soundtrack would be the one from Pacific Rim, my god, it is epic, it gives you the sensation of being in that humongous robots fighting aliens, its like you listen to this soundtrack and your life is epic, everything you do will be epic listening to this. 
So thats all my friends, hope you liked, if thats the case leave a comment, that would help me a lot, bye. :D  

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Digestive System, im in love with you

Hey guys, in this opportunity i wanted to talk about my favorite system in the body, the digestive one and why it is so amazing. Well in first place our digestive system is composed of many organs, your mouth, teeth, tongue, throat, stomach, instestines, liver, and many more !, you might ask why it is so amazing to me, well, because it manages the sense of taste, and there is nothing that i love more than eat, but the taste sense does not work by himself, it requires the smell sense too to give you a correct flavour of things, thats why when you are sick you cant feel the taste of food and its horrible to eat delicious foods without feeling the taste,  

 The digestive system is the one in charge of extracting energy from what we eat, and nourish our bodies and keep them supplied with what we need, proteins, carbohydrates and fats mainly, but how does it work? It has the chemical mechanisms to break the molecular bonds of the nutrients, transorming complex proteins in mere aminoacids, long carbohydrates chains in small simple sugars and fats...well they take a longer time to break down, thats why they are our energy reserve. 

 it is located along the body, from the mouth to the rectum, taking detours to the liver, and pancreas, which are pretty helpful organs, because the pancreas help us keep a nice sugar level on our bloodstream and the liver helps us in being a backpack of nutrients and minerals and also the billiar vesicle helps us digest fats, in fact the liver has so many nutrients that is one of the healthier foods, contains iron, calcium, proteins and a ton of vitamins A and B´s with low fats and calories.

its huge !! believe it or not even if you are 1,60 meters tall like me your intestines alone are between 6-8 meters, in fact the intestines are so long and strong that they are used as ropes for ships and strings for violins, a bit gross but fascinating

sadly, our digestive system has so many organs and its so long that there are infinite posiblites of contracting an illness, like hepatitis, diarrhea, dysenteria, Diabetes, malfunctioning absorbing nutrients, gallstones, pancreatitis, and the most popular, apendicitis, so you should take a look how you cook your dishes and how clean is your kitchen

The only way to keep it healthy is having a balanced diet, not eating lettuce and drink water only, your body needs carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats, you may say, hey fats are dangerous to your heart, yes but not all fats are the same, for example, you have saturated fats which are solids, unsaturated fats like oils and polyunsaturated fats that are...BOOM they are Omega-3 and Omega-6, the same that keeps your brain fresh and your heart happy,

 so not all fats are danger, the most dangerous are the trans fatty acids, they are the responsible to plug your arterias, so to can keep our bodies healthy we need a correct balance between, cereals for energy, fruits for vitamins, veggies for minerals, meat and/or legumes for protein and minerals and fish with seafood for healthy fats.

If you learned something new or if you liked it let me know. Comment and follow <3 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

My first concert

Hi everyone reading this, in this opportunity i want to share my experience as a child in his first and maybe the best concert in my life.

it was back in 2011 System Of a Down was going to be in "Estadio Municipal de La Florida", my dad wanted to go with his sister and they bought the tickets to go, but when he saw me, he lent me the tickets to go with a friend and my cousin, it was unbeliable !!. in that year i was 13 years old and i wasnt such a big fan of the band as i am now, i knew half the songs that they played, but they were awesome.

System Of A Down is an Armenium rock/metal band born in the 1994. Their most notorious aspect are the lyrics of their songs, that touches topics that not every band would touch, like wars, genocides, pornography, children violence, discrimination, intolerance and social dispair. The people loved this aspect and the band quickly started to gain popularity between teenagers and adults.

The concert started in the afternoon with the warm-up band, Libra, they played horrible music, and everyone wanted them out, the people started throwing bottles and shoes to them, but the wait reaped rewards, when Libra was out we heard something strange, a guitar that surrounded the stadium with a powerful chord, and everyone went silent. it was the start of the show and the start of the night.

i didn´t know the first song but it was the best introduction song ever, for the second one, everyone started to jump like crazy, included me, and in a blink of an eye i was separated from my cousin.
At the start of the concert he said "do not go to the mosh pit" and it was the first thing that i did, but it was not so bad, it was funnier than dangerous, all of the people there in the mosh pit were dancing in circles and i met a drunk person that was really friendly.

The atmosphere around the concert was mixed, i liked the music and the people were friendly but some people were smoking weed and cigarretes alike and i dont like the smell, and also were some people that stealthy passed liquor through the guards and their drunk bodies were laying in the floor.

To the end of the concert i met again with my cousin, we were both exhausted and we lost our voices for singing too much.


Wednesday 28 September 2016

A country you would like to visit

I´ve never been to it but i would like to visit Finland, because of its weather and beautiful landscapes, i know its kinda cold and near the polar circle but is fine by me, there are inmense forests, mountains and my favorite thing, Snow !!.

I know that it has one of the best educational systems in the world, it has really cold weather, and they have some strange traditions, like the carry-your-wife race, for saying something.

But its not all races and snow, they also have one of the lowest theft rate, a big problem here in Chile, so it would be really cool and safe to take a walk in mid of the night if i wanted to, here in my country you cant do that because you will end with 3 stabs and your cell phone stealed.

Their music is pretty interesting, not the folk music, but the majority of national bands play metal with folk instruments, like korpiklaani, they use violins and pianos with electric guitars and drums. There´s also orchestral metal bands, like Children of Bodom, they use opera style backsounds and the result is an epic extasis that give you shivers in your spine.

I saw in photos that it has marvelous landscapes, huge lakes, a lot of green areas, snowy mountains, and plenty of countryside to relax after a long day working or to go on vacations.

I would like to go there when i finish my career as a Chemist or a little after, because i need to earn money to travel, and you might ask, why i would like to go to the country with the best education in the world if i already studied? i would like to go to finland, establish a family and raise my children there (when i grow up),

Like i mentioned before, i want to live there and work as a chemist in a lab or as a chemistry teacher, its not the american dream, but it is my dream, a relaxing life and the lake around the corner, also i would like to pay a visit to the the countries around finland, like norway, russia, sweden, germany and many others, to taste the beer and food of that places, because flavours are one of my reasons to live.